Correction of typos
Automatic correction of errors and typos when entering a query
- 1 or 2 typos in one word
- rearrangement of letters
- letter skip
- extra letter, double letter
- 2 words together
- typo in transliteration
Keyboard layout
Automatically corrected when entering a query
Wrong layout is determined for each word separately
Latin alphabet in Cyrillic characters
Or transliteration - consists in writing the sound of the words of one language with the letters of another.
Entered words in Cyrillic (brand, product name, etc.) are translated into Latin during the search and vice versa.
Search for a word in all morphological forms:
- gender, case, number, declension
- parts of speech (noun, adjective, verb)
Manual adding of synonyms
Words with different pronunciation and spelling but similar meaning, for example smartphone and mobile phone
Mobile version
The search bar and search results adjust to different screens of monitors, tablets, smartphones.
Images are optimized for the retina screen
Search for items, promotions, articles, faq, info pages
Search takes into account all information provided by a feed
Filtering by category
The functionality allows the site visitor to immediately sort the category in the search results, thereby narrowing the search results.
When API integration - a request to the API returns the result in JSON format
Possibility to fine-tune search and ranking algorithms.
You can influence the order of issuing categories and products both from the side of the client and from the side of Multisearch.
Shopping cart in the results
When the visitor enters a query in the search box, he immediately sees the relevant goods together with the shopping cart - the buy button is placed near the product in the search plugin. That is, he does not need to additionally enter the card goods and spend time on this, if he has already made his choice (additional functionality).
E-commerce package
Display of color tags: promotion, sale, hit/top sales, new, etc.
Displaying crossed out old and new prices
The results ABOVE show the following products:
- Tagged with: promotion, sale, hit/top sales, new, etc.
- latest models based on the date of creation of the product
BELOW are included the items:
- without photo
- unspecified
- with zero price
- with status "out of stock"
Request history
An empty search bar displays the last 5 queries for which the results have been found.
It`s convenient for quick view of the latest results, if the user has switched to another page or re-visited the site.
Users can only view their queries
Search support in several languages for a multilingual site
Simple language in queries
For example, washing machine and washer
Synonyms for your niche
Words with different pronunciation and spelling but similar meaning, for example smartphone and mobile phone
Correcting typos
given the context
- harm drive (hard drive)
- barbecue drill (barbecue grill)
- psychology looks (psychology books)
- flash car usb (flash card usb)
- lip calm (lip balm)
- pirate sheep (pirate ship)
- Refractory trick (refractory brick)
These are all funny and real queries entered by users
Each term individually is dictionary and correct, but the phrase as a whole sounds meaningless.
The search is able to analyze the context of the request and correct such typos.
Unique setting
Ability to customize to the specifics of the site:
- search and ranking algorithms
- interface and content of the issuance page
Development of additional functionality
Dynamic filters
Filtration by categories, tags, brands, price, and other parameters
Dynamic display of only available filters and sorting for a particular task,
Implementation of filter narrows down the results but does not give zero results
Automatic tips for searching
- 3 types of tips: continuation of queries, category, and top goods
- Design setting according to the site style
- Display of old/new price
- Analytics of clicks/clicks from items
Conversion training
- Search takes into account behavioral factors when calculating the relevance of a product to a specific query
- The service takes into account the popularity of products (sales, views, etc.) when calculating relevance. Allows you to display products that match the request in the first positions, taking into account sales, views, etc. for specific products.
Improving results
Monthly, based on the analytics of search operation on your site, our specialists:
- fix search settings
- reduce the number of empty results
- give recommendations on how to improve the quality of search, especially for the requests of your target audience

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