Search capabilities: to recognize and correct any mistake

Margarita Legina
Margarita Legina
16 April 2020


This article will focus on the main features of smart search - correcting typos and input using the wrong keyboard layouts, converting between the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet. We will explain why it is important to have a search engine that can process these results.

Correcting typos

Can anyone claim that they type without making mistakes? Likewise, your customers will make mistakes when entering a product name in the search bar and most of them do not even notice the error. According to statistics, 10-15% of users make mistakes in their request, subsequently more than 50% of them do not correct the search query. They just leave the site, thinking that their products are not available. Therefore, it is important that the search engine is able to help the customer along to their goal.

What errors is Multisearch able to detect and fix?

  • 1 or 2 typos in one word;

  • wrong order of the letters in word;

  • skipped letter;

  • extra letter or duplication;

  • 2 words together;

  • transliteration input

In addition to it, the search understands the context of the query: Multisearch takes into consideration the specifics of the site and products, even if there is no mistake in the word, for example, for the query “bathtub pugs” on a hardware store website. Shop search will correct the request for "plugs". Thanks to typos from the phone and the powerful T9, such masterpieces as "Tesla cat", "battle slippers", "world cub", "push up bats" and "midget spinner" are born. Such requests are not uncommon, as 80% of users visit websites from mobile devices. Smart search understands specific queries and offers the user the desired product or service.

Layout шзрщту

Everyone knows that when you enter an English word with the Russian layout in Google, the search engine will still understand what you wanted to write. But the search strings on many sites cannot boast of this feature.

How exactly does it work:

  • search corrects the wrong layout for each word separately - "ыфьыгтп зрщту" - "samsung phone";

  • search displays a list of queries that match the correct format.


Do you know how to spell a Samsung or Zanussi brand name correctly? Otherwise, you need help with transliteration - the entered Cyrillic words (brand, product name, etc.) are translated into the Latin alphabet and vice versa. It means Multisearch will display the same result for the query - “xiaomi” or “сяоми”, “redmi note 7” or “редми ноут 7”. This significantly reduces the bounce rate and the number of not found requests.

Multisearch will work with even a complicated search query, where multiple of the above examples are present. For example when the brand name is written in Cyrillic and with the wrong keyboard layout "yfeiybrb czjvb", as well as if there is a typo, for example, "xiaomi hedphones".

If you have questions about smart search, just write to us. And by the way, you can test the search on your site for 14 days for free. You should see for yourself how conversions grow with Multisearch.


Margarita Legina
Margarita Legina
I write and cut, I love MultiSearch, walks and marketing.

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