Search capabilities: understand all the subtleties of the language

Margarita Legina
Margarita Legina
8 May 2020


It is very difficult for foreigners to understand why we say one phone, two phones, but change the ending of the word when saying about ten phones. It is also difficult for them to understand our cases and declensions. We can easily compare search strings on many sites with foreigners. Very few on-site searches can boast of understanding synonyms and morphology. Let's talk about why a good search engine should know this.


Laptop bag, bag for laptop, laptop bags — how would you write? The search should find the desired product regardless of how the request is written. 

Multisearch understands all the morphological forms of the words, including:

  • gender, case, number, declension;
  • part of speech (noun, adjective, verb).

Статистика поисковых запросов крупного магазина бытовой техники за месяц:

  • беспроводные наушники - 1 844
  • наушники беспроводные - 933
  • наушники беспроводной - 17
  • наушники беспроводны - 12
  • наушники беспроводная - 8
  • беспроводной наушники - 4
  • беспроводный наушники - 4
  • чехол для планшета - 88
  • чехол на планшет - 11
  • чехол для планшет - 5
  • чехол для планшетов - 2
  • чехол на планшеты - 2

Synonyms: cellphone, cellular phone, phone, cellular telephone, cell phone, wireless phone, hand-phone.

The function of synonym understanding is not always obvious, but it is very significant for any search engine. Multisearch understands the context of the search query, so it can easily identify any synonym. This feature is especially relevant for large stores, for sites, that provide services, and for blogs with a large number of articles.

Smart search recognizes search queries in the same way: 

  • wireless headphones-Bluetooth headphones-headphones without wires-headphones without cord
  • microwave oven - kiln - stove - range - roaster
  • lawn - mower lawn - mower for the lawn
  • DSLR - SLR camera
  • hair straightener - hair iron - hair straightener - iron for hair alignment

This is only a small part of the search requests that search recognizes. In fact, there are millions of them. The search engine also knows simple slang words, such as a washer, reader, and so on. Multisearch updates its synonyms database every day, and search analytics helps to understand what spellings are missing.

If you still have questions about smart search just write to us. By the way, you can test the search on your site FREE for 14 days. You will see for yourself how conversions grow with Multisearch.


Margarita Legina
Margarita Legina
I write and cut, I love MultiSearch, walks and marketing.

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