Search capabilities: shopping cart in search results

Margarita Legina
Margarita Legina
17 June 2020


We've already talked about why your site search needs to understand errors, synonyms and morphology, as well as why you need dynamic filters, query history and auto-suggest. Today we will tell you about our new functionality — a shopping cart in search results. This is an additional feature that will help your site visitors make a purchase faster. 

A Shopping cart in search results — one step to purchase 

A shopping cart in the search box is a very convenient and useful feature for your visitors. It significantly reduces the user's path to purchase, therefore saves their time. The "Buy" button is especially relevant in the search results near popular and TOP products.

How it works: when users enter a query in the search box, they immediately see the relevant products along with the shopping cart — the "buy" button is placed next to the product in the search plugin. In other words, if they have already decided what to buy, they will not need to go to the product card and lose their time.

A shopping cart is available in all Multisearch pricing plans

As we said earlier, there are two ways to integrate Multisearch — via the plugin and via the API. 

In the case of plugin integration, the "shopping cart" functionality will be available for an additional fee. To enable it, you need to provide the name of the function that will take place after the user's click on the button "Add to Cart". For example, addToCart (id). This function on your side will immediately add the product to the cart. You also would need the name of such function as — getting information about whether the product is in the cart: getInfoCart (id), where “id” - is the product id, and will return true or false (or other variants of meanings).

If you have integrated the API search, you will be able to implement the shopping cart in the search field by yourself. You can display the "Cart" button in any convenient place.

The most important advantages of a shopping cart are increasing conversions and the reduction of the path to purchase. You can use the "Buy" button in the search results together with the Ecommerce package. This tariff is designed to increase the sales of large stores. Read more about Ecommerce here. Use the search potential of Multisearch to the maximum and get more sales with it.


Margarita Legina
Margarita Legina
I write and cut, I love MultiSearch, walks and marketing.

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